Gynecology Book from C.H.I.P.S.

Pediatric, Adolescent and Young Adult Gynecology
edited by Albert Altchek

Pediatric, Adolescent and Young Adult Gynecology provides generous coverage of all aspects of pre-womanhood gynecology. Ranging from the commonest problems to the less common but urgent, it emphasizes diagnosis, special care and management throughout.

Pediatric, Adolescent and Young Adult Gynecology:

  • ranges across illnesses, development, approach, management and effect on later life and fertility
  • emphasizes continuous care and education for life
  • stresses diagnosis and management of the most common through to the less common but urgent problems
  • features a highly personal touch gleaned from decades of experience with recommended psychological approachs for dealing with younger patients
  • features 'Quick-Takes' which outline instant diagnostic possibilities


  1. Personal Overview
  2. Age Group Associated Concerns
  3. Evaluation of the newborn
  4. Early Diagnosis and Management of Atypical Appearing Genitalia
  5. Diagnosis and Management of Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
  6. Androgen Insensitivity and Gonadal Dysgenesis
  7. The Gynecological Approach to the Child, Adolescent and Young Adult
  8. Vulvovaginitis in the child
  9. Vaginal bleeding in the child
  10. Ovarian Cysts in the Fetus, Infants, and Children
  11. Genital Trauma
  12. Sexual Abuse
  13. Adolescent Sexuality
  14. Psychologic aspects of Gynecologic Problems and Preparing for Psychodramas
  15. Approach to and evaluation of the Adolescent
  16. Puberty in girls
  17. Delayed Puberty
  18. Primary and secondary amenorrhea
  19. Precocious Puberty
  20. Dysmenorrhea
  21. Pelvic Pain, Endometriosis, and the Role of the Gynecologists
  22. Management of Chronic Pelvic Pain in the Adolescent
  23. Adolescent Anovulatory Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding and Menorrahgia
  24. Bleeding Disorders in the Adolescent Female
  25. Congenital Gynecologic Anomalies I - Rokitansky Syndrome
  26. Congenital Anomalies II and Diagnostic Problems
  27. Laparoscopy in the Pediatric and Adolescent Female
  28. Breast Problems
  29. Contraceptive Choices in Pediatrics, Adolescent, and Young Adult Gynecology
  30. Contraception in Adolescence
  31. Labor in the Adolescent
  32. The Polycystic Ovary Syndrome-Challenges and Opportunities in Adolescent Medicine
  33. Acute Abdominal and Pelvic Pain
  34. Acute Gynecologic Pain
  35. Vulva Disorders in Children
  36. Dermatology - The Dermatologist view of diagnosis and treatment of vulva lesions
  37. Management of Ovarian Cysts in the Adolescent and Young Adult
  38. Pediatric Gynecologic Cancer
  39. Cervix Cytology, Dysplasia and Human Papillomavirus
  40. Herpes Simplex Viruses Types 1 and 2
  41. Sexually Transmitted Infections
  42. Imaging
  43. Preservation of Fertility
  44. Where Law and Medicine Meet
  45. Minors' Rights to Reproductive Health Care and Privacy
  46. HPV Infection and Cervical Neoplasm in Adolescents
  47. Endometrial Pathology in Young Patients
  48. Ovarian Tumors in Children, Adolescents, and Young Patients
  49. Gestational Trophoblastic Diseases in Adolescents and Young Adults
  50. Rhabdomyosarcoma of the vagina and cervix
  51. Benign ovarian disorders
  52. The History of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology in the United States
  53. A History of the International Federation of Infantile and Juvenile Gynaecology


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Pediatric, Adolescent and Young Adult Gynecology
edited by Albert Altchek
2009 . 500 pages . $261.95 + shipping
Texas residents please add 6.75 % sales tax

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